Spotlight in the Sky
Dearest Loves!
With the greatest warmth in my heart, I want to let you know that I will not be touring with Trans-Siberian Orchestra this year. I am excited to take some time to pursue a few of my own creative projects. The TSO tour is going be bigger and better than ever before, and I can't wait to catch a show! My heart hurts a little for how much I already miss my TSO family, but I'm going to be right here so please keep in touch!! If you want to be the first to know my news and announcements, sign up for the updates by clicking SUBSCRIBE on the righthand side of the blog page of the website.
May the spotlights of the rafters in the skies shine down upon you and illuminate your dreams so that you can aim your wings and fly straight into them!
Love and Spotlights!
Photo from Facebook, by Rich Bru.