Turbulence and Thanksgiving
The black cloud ahead of me turned into pelting walls of rain as I drove from Miami to St. Augustine on I-95 exactly 2 weeks ago. It was cleansing, I knew this, but being such a strong rain for this time of year I was questioning why I, or my car and I, or both of us, needed such a dramatic one. After a minute or two I realized I was in my rain-trance. In white-out conditions such as this one (with which I am very familiar due to living all but 10 years of my life in the southeastern USA where we have almost daily thunderstorms for over half the year) I tune into the road, I extend my energy into the edges of the car, and use my senses to "feel" the white lines of the lane, since vision is not reliable. I had just passed 2 vehicles and a moved beyond a construction zone's temporary concrete barricade when I heard (or was it a thought), "this is very dangerous".
In that split second the car spun wildly to the left. The force pressed me into the leather seat reminding me of a spinning roller coaster. I heard myself speak out loud in an unusually clear voice, "this is happening - be with me, be with me!" As I spun, I had an influx of simultaneous thoughts. I knew there was a possibility that we could roll over, the car and I, or hit something hard. I felt myself focusing all my energy downward to ground us and slow us down. Bracing myself for any impact, I pushed with my mind, down, down, down.
BAM!! I golfed an orange barrel right outside the driver's window, and in my peripheral saw it shoot away into the whiteness. "That was just a barrel." I was thrilled to feel zero impact from the contact. The simultaneous thoughts continued. I saw my father in my mind being so sad if I got hurt and I wanted to do anything to spare him that. With the brakes and steering wheel totally unresponsive, I focused my attention to the back right corner of the car, and asked that if I were to hit something to please let it be there. Spinning. Was I still spinning? Or was I sliding on glass...
I became aware of angelic forces, three above me and one below me, and stayed connected with them for the duration of the event. Perhaps it was their assistance, or my understanding of energy as to why at no point did I feel fully out of control. I became aware that I was seeing out of the passenger window and only then realized all motion had stopped. I didn't feel the landing happen - it was gentler than braking at a stoplight. Despite the pouring rain, I could make out that I was in mud, and it was this glorious mud which had made my ride so smooth and so safe. "I'm ALIVE!!!" I shrieked a scream of delight and folded my shaking hands in prayer, in awe and reverence and elation.
Not 25 feet away was the next concrete barricade, which was a chilling realization that if this had happened even a split second later I could've had a very different experience. Waiting on my rescue was easy as the spiral landed me safely off the highway. Still raining, the policeman was the first knight to appear. His big brimmed hat shielded his eyes from the rain, and I grabbed a sunhat from the back seat as I stepped out of the car for the first time. We talked and minutes later the wrecker arrived to wench me out of the mud. From the highway to the car-repair shop to the rental car store, everything flowed gently and smoothly, and I made it safely home.
What thanksgiving I feel. For my life, my body in tact, the protection vehicle (already running again), and insurance for taking care of almost all of the financials.
What thanksgiving I feel for the reminder of how it feels to fully surrender to the universe and trust that something greater is at work.
What thanksgiving I feel for the chance to come to a complete stop, where I could openly receive and review all that I am grateful for.
Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday was extra special for me. It was the first time in seven years I got to spend it with my family. I had actually forgotten how mouthwateringly SUBLIME southern Thanksgiving dinners are. Thank you Mommy for reminding me with the delicious smorgasbord! It was such a beautiful opportunity to recenter and revel in awe-inspiring gratitude for being alive on Earth.
I'm grateful for you! For your precious minutes you spend reading these blog posts, for your support, and for your interest in making this life the best it can be for you!
May turbulence bring you to thanksgiving each and every time, and wild wet orange skies bless you with magical light and love.
Infinite gratitude,