I was standing with all my senses engaged on this dreamy sandbar where so many horseshoe crabs had transcended life, feeling overwhelmed by the almost skin-burning beauty in every direction. The blues of the sky and water, the feather-thin lines of the horizon, the light salty breeze, the sand beneath my feet, the birds squealing behind me, and the warm sun smiling into my shoulders all brought me to such a level of presence that suddenly I became the sensation: I'm ALIVE! In that moment I felt compelled to celebrate my aliveness by spelling it out with horseshoe crabs to the universe! (Of course I asked the horseshoe crab souls first for permission!)
My 93 year old grandmother made her transition yesterday, and as I think on her very full and love-filled life, I realize what a perfect example she has always been - and one of my greatest teachers, on celebrating the gift of being alive. When my brother and I were little, we'd go to visit her in Claxton, Georgia (fruitcake capital of the world, and the town where she lived), and as soon as we'd get irritable she'd say in her sweet silky southern accent, "now children, we are in Fantasyland and there are only wonderful things in Fantasyland". She would then distract us with something wonderful, like opening the back of her antique chiming clock to let us see how it worked, or involving us in making home made ice cream, or driving us to a nearby orchard to pick peaches! She'd throw us in the car and drive to the train tracks every time we heard the whistle blow to let us watch the train go by (which my brother and I thought was about as exciting as Christmas morning). She taught both of us how to drive on the back roads of Georgia farmland when we were well below the legal age to drive. When she took us anywhere in the car, she would pull over immediately if there was something interesting on the side of the highway - a field of wildflowers, a fun looking store or stall, an abandoned house all grown over in bushes and trees, and let us explore. Living every minute ALIVE, Meme, that's what we called her, was a master.
I'm overwhelmed with gratitude. For my fully functioning body that can pick up and spell words with transcended horseshoe crabs! For my grandmother's full and rich and totally love-filled life! For the opportunity to live to the fullest every moment, any moment! For my funny and active mind that loves to evaluate every aspect of how to do this! And for the beauty that is around me right this split second - the love I feel for and from my grandmother, the soft lower-humidity breeze rustling my hair against my cheek, and bright green trees against the blue sky backdrop with cicadas chorusing the soundtrack! I am ALIVE!
Here's to you, you alive, beautiful being! That you take a special moment and celebrate your aliveness and all the beauty in your zone right now, the workingness of your body parts, the air available to breathe, the sound or smell or love you sense right now - may you immerse yourself in the wonder and awe of it all! You are ALIVE!
All light and love and horseshoe crab blessings,