Magic Is Everywhere
Just when life gets real. Just when I start to think seriously about my future. When words like "finances" and "planning" and all those serious things that "should" be on my mind actually do enter my reality as recurring thoughts - that's when the glorious universe decided to unleash it's MAGIC on me!!
Look at this photo and see if you can tell what happened to get to this moment, and what happened afterwards. I just wrote a full description of it here, and have decided to take it away because the beauty of magic is noticing! (And if you want to read the description of what happened leading up to and after this moment, message me and I will send it to you!)
Magic is truly everywhere. To practice noticing, it helps me to get into details. Not the details of thoughts, but the details of what's around in this very split second - the wooden bar that the computer sits on, the flight pattern of a bug who flew in, the rhythm of ice being put into a cup, the soul cleansing humid air that comes in as the door opens, how lovely the orange roof of the building outside looks against the blue sky, the pleasing spice in this tea I am drinking. Doing this brings me into the present moment, and anywhere (even Starbucks) becomes an oasis of beauty and life and magic.
May you notice the details of the amazingness and magic right now around you!
Love and rainbows,
ADDENDUM - Sometimes I don't feel like noticing the details. Sometimes I'm having a MOMENT, and I really don't feel like looking at a wooden bar and trying to see magic in it. These are moments when my energy is low, or when I'm thinking about a very serious thing like money or the meaning of life, or when I'm feeling mad at myself about something - wait - not accepting myself??!! (See last week's blog.) In the moments where I don't want to notice the details or see the magic, I can say almost always it is because I am not accepting some part of myself. EVEN if my low energy was "caused" by another person.* It is only what exists already in me that is brought up by other people. Some woman at the grocery store this week huffed at me and muttered negative words out loud about me as she walked by, because I turned the corner of an aisle and she was standing there (no I didn't touch her with my cart). For a split second I felt bad. I assessed what this brought up and learned it was a belief I entertain from time to time that I am not a nice person. Then I accepted it, saying to myself, "I have the belief somewhere inside of me that I am not NICE and that's ok". Instantly I was able to let her go and wish her a better day with energetic vibes. This was kind of radical for me, not to hang on to her negativity by accepting what it brought up in me! Had I kept it in me however, the last thing I'd want to do would be to notice the details of mundane things and see the magic happening around me.
If you don't feel like noticing the magic, this is a gift! This is an opportunity to see one part of you that you are not accepting and embrace it! Everything about you is wonderful, even your darker side, which exists for very good and gorgeous reasons!
May you embrace all parts of you and shake off anything that lowers your energy! And if you're still having trouble, perhaps your thoughts are a little craaaaaazy, then read this gem of a book, keeping in mind it's British humor: F**k It: The Ultimate Spiritual Way, by John C. Parkin.
* I write "caused" because no one can get inside my being and tweak the nerves in my brain to create low energy or bad feelings. Only I am responsible. Thank you Dr. Roy Grant, Music Therapy Professor of the University of Georgia, for teaching me this many years ago.