Patience has been a tremendous theme for me this year. Spending time meditating, living in this sweet quiet town, and walking in peaceful beach scenes like the dusk moment in this photo, have helped me make great strides in the practice of patience. There has always been one area however that has been my total downfall - driving.
I love to drive. Swift rides on the highway are my favorite. Maxed out as fast as I can legally go, flowing in and around the cars and trucks gives me a sense of flying, of top performance, of freedom! There is an appealing art to driving, and I marvel and delight in it - until a slow freak gets in the left lane who doesn't know how to use cruise control and was never taught to let faster vehicles pass, and I feel the blood warm in my limbs, the tingling in my chest, and suddenly my ears are filled with an explosion of huffs, puffs, sounds of indignation, frustration, and often such strong negative statements they shock my heart! In fact, it is actually some time before I realize I'm in this vortex of impatience, and by then my mood is affected, my pleasure in driving zapped, my outlook on humanity dimmed.
A few days ago, I received insight on my lack of patience while driving. This is another way I attempt control.
The antidote? Let go to what the universe has in store.
What can I do about the person who's driving well under the speed limit and "blocking my flow"? I can get super annoyed and fired up in my skin, or I can let go to see what the universe has in store for me this particular day. I've started experimenting with this and the most wonderful results occur. I feel the tension leave my muscles, I notice things like an egret flying over the car, a cloud in the shape of an angel, a butterfly circling the windshield, I'll have an insightful creative thought pop in my head. These things instantly raise my vibration, put me in a happier mood, and ease me into the flow of being. It's this balance of trust and faith with action that creates the most pleasurable life, I'm learning, and all I have to remember to do is choose this.
Perhaps mastery is nothing more than letting go, letting things be.
May you be filled with immense peace and flow as you thrive in the drives you take, the choices you make, and all the while being delighted by slick beauty in your every direction!!
Huge love and reflective sand,