Guide From Inside
This wise beach angel heralds, "you are never alone"! What fortuitous timing to have him appear on a day where I questioned the truth of his proclamation. I have spent so much time this past year focusing on stepping into my truest, brightest version of myself, and I have been practicing making decisions that serve my highest vibration. Well, last week I made a decision that did not receive approval from someone very close whose opinions had always mattered to me! In moments like these I freeze, entering a temporary state of catatonia, feeling ice cold terror that I am a horrible person...
Coincidentally, at the moment of my freeze, none of my go-to friends were available. A good venting session always helps to gain perspective, but this time I was alone. The only thing I could think to do was consult the guide from inside, and ask myself some very important questions.
1. Was my decision based on my highest truth as the brightest Luci soul I can be? YES.
2. Was I less valuable as a human being without this person’s approval? NO.
3. How was I still valuable as a person?
With this last question I began listing awesome qualities about myself, great experiences I've created, pure intentions I maintain. With the instant influx of this higher energetic vibration I called in just by thinking positively about myself, my energy ice block began turning into a bright fire. I realized I am still awesome even if someone close to me does not approve of a decision I make.
What I most dislike about feeling disapproval from someone close is the distance that is creates. It feels like there's a rule that we now must keep space from each other, and I miss the fun feeling of being close. It was a couple days later when the answer to this dropped in:
I can still love the person who doesn’t approve! On a soul level we both love each other unconditionally and are in each others’ lives for this very reason, to assist each other in our personal growth. This means I can continue sending love while both of us go through our own processes of growth, and thus on my end feel the good feeling of loving that person. Upon this awareness, the question dawned on me: am I loving a person because I want something in return? Or am I loving just to LOVE?
It's easy to know what FEELS better - loving because the act of loving feels good! Giving love feels GOOD! Even if nothing comes back in return, the act of letting love flow from me to another person (place, or thing) feels like a high. What a different perspective! Now as we come to trust our bodies more we create the new rules of right and wrong. I think it is easy to get confused because the world around us often reinforces a “give to get” mentality. "You have to give something if you want to get something". What if we change this mentality to “give to give”! Why? Because it feels good! As the majestic and loving Kuan Yin teaches, “the more flowers, the more flowers”. The more love the more love the more fun the more kindness the more delight the more beauty the more connection - the more happiness!
May you be covered in love from all directions today, surrounded by bright shining sky angels, and feel comfort in knowing your wise guide from inside abides!
Love and more love,