Leaves Fall Off


Dusk on the last day of light before the time change. What a gift to grab this sacred moment on a brief break from rehearsal. Only a few leaves are left on this triumphant tree. And it doesn't have any resistance or sadness about all its leaves falling off, even though it's heading into the cold, dark, barren part of the year. Can I embrace a similar attitude? When things get tough, or I know I'm about to enter the cold time of year, or a situation that may be challenging or less than fun, can I accept that it's part of the beautiful cycle of life? That without the cold the warm wouldn't be amazing. Without the sad the happy wouldn't be so exhilarating. Without the aloneness the love of close ones wouldn't feel so wonderful.

Allow. I will allow (rather than resist) my leaves to fall when they must.  This is the flow that is life.

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